Department of Cultural Studies

The Department of Cultural Studies was opened in 2019. To date, a number of textbooks and textbooks have been prepared for the department.

Information on the Department of Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Cultural Heritage

The Department of “Cultural Studies” trains specialists in the following fields of study:

1. Bachelor's Degree: Organization and setting up of cultural mass events;
2. Bachelor's degree: Organizing and managing a folklore group;
3. Bachelor's Degree: Cultural Studies

«Cultural Studies»
1. Cultural Studies

Cultural Studies - field of preparation

The study of culture calls for a good upbringing of human beings, the organization of a developed, modern model of living, and promotes the cultivation of national, patriotic and humanitarian feelings.
The function of the bachelor
Students studying in the field of cultural education training in the fields of culture, education (in general secondary schools, secondary vocational schools, out-of-school children's educational institutions), research centers (research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan), public organization (political and public organization) local self-government bodies (municipalities, archives, councils). Bachelors of cultural studies should conduct large-scale political-social, research, teaching, and management work in the above-mentioned institutions on the basis of the theory of Turkmen culture. They must educate the younger generation of our country in the national spirit and make them grow up to be patriotic youth.
General requirements for a bachelor's degree
In the field of preparation Cultural Studies students being highly educated professionals of Independent, Eternally Neutral Turkmenistan, must be a world-renowned and national culture, deeply rooted in the wise principles put forward by our Esteemed President, his state policy, sincerely loving his people, his country and his national culture.
They should study the information, books, and manuals, scientific evidence related to the humanities, scientific and technical sciences, and use them in their work.
The bachelor should know the following:
They should learn foreign languages fluently and constantly improve their language literacy, and have thorough and practical training. The bachelor must have a high level of professionalism, constantly increase their knowledge, broaden their socio-political outlook, be able to apply the rules of scientific organization of work in practice, work with people, especially must be able to deal with schoolchildren, the ways they organize their work, the requirements of pedagogy, psychology,
They must be able to implement and disseminate the latest achievements of world science, educate young people in the national spirit, loyalty to the Motherland, Esteemed President scientifically develop all sectors of our country, and promote the cultural development of our society.
  • a comprehensive set of humanities and socio-economic subjects: history, philosophy, sociology, political studies, economic theory, fundamentals of the legislation of Turkmenistan, foreign language (Russian, English,), pedagogy, psychology;
  • a comprehensive set of mathematical and natural-science subjects: modern computer technologies, ecology and environmental protection, physical education courses;
  • a comprehensive set of general specialties related to the preparation of a bachelor's degree: the spoken language culture, the theory of morality and beauty of the Turkmen language, the world and Turkmen literature, the basics of management and marketing in the field of culture, the preservation of cultural and natural heritage, museum and legal work, museum work, museum, world museum historical sources of culture, theory of culture, history of Turkmen culture, mass communication culture, culture of culture, philosophy of culture, sociology of culture, history of world religions, world history, ethnography, mythology, art history, archeology, archeology, archeology art, clothing and decorative arts, applied arts, semiotics of art, history of foreign and Turkmen music, history of foreign and Turkmen theater, history of foreign and Turkmen film and radio and radio arts, scientific study, book study and hat med They should fully study the history of the culture, the history of the Turkmen book, cultural events, methods of teaching cultural studies, publishing in the field of culture, cultural tourism, and master the knowledge gained in research, design, annual work, practice.
The bachelor must be able to:

Students are trained in the field of preparation

  • Bachelors in the field of cultural studies of Independent, eternally Neutral Turkmenistan must deeply educate our descendants in the national spirit by deeply studying the theoretical and scientific basis of our culture, based on the domestic and foreign policy of the Esteemed President, long-term state programs;
  • to combine our national culture with the excellent policies of our state, to organize mass activities, to widely promote the classical principles of our ancestors, to spread its talents to the world, to always be at the forefront of society, to have a broad worldview;
  • carry out in-depth research and in-depth study of the history of the world culture, its origins and development features, theoretical and scientific basis;
  • to contribute to the political and social work of our state, to the scientific management of systems, to the formation of a perfect consciousness for the implementation of new technologies, to the harmonious organization of the work of social groups of society;
  • to practice their knowledge in practice, to apply scientific innovations, discoveries, inventions in professional perfection;
  • students in secondary schools of the country should provide modern education to young people and teach them the history of world culture, the cultural heritage of Turkmenistan on a deep and qualitatively meaningful, scientific basis;
  • to prepare for publication, in accordance with the preparation, based on specialized scientific and methodological literature, write manuals;
  • to organize regular appearances in the mass media of our country on the basis of the scientific theory of the world and national culture, to regularly publish their scientific articles and instructions on the pages of the press, popular science journals.
«Cultural Studies»

2. The art of choreography (Organization and Management of Folklore Group)

Field of preparation - the art of choreography (organizing and managing a folklore group).

With the increasing demand for Turkmen national folklore performances in the context of modern development, the aim is to perfect this field of art, to create national and classical features of Turkmen folklore, to provide highly educated bachelors in view of the need for the head of the folklore group in our country.
The function of the bachelor
The students are trained in bachelor's degree programs in rural, district, city, provincial cultural institutions, higher and secondary vocational schools, cultural centers under the jurisdiction of sectoral administrations, and cultural and educational institutions in the field of arts and education.
They must be highly skilled, cultured and healthy, who know the interests of the people, who are loyal to their Motherland, their people, Esteemed President understand the requirements of modern Turkmen society and can implement them steadily.

The bachelor should know the following:

Students who are trained in the field of preparation should be able to please the public, to lead it, to train its staff in the spirit of unity, purposefulness, patriotism, to continuously and continuously improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, to constantly improve their knowledge, to develop their knowledge.
Students who are trained in the field of preparation must be a person who is fundamentally scientific and practically trained, has mastered his or her profession, seeks to constantly expand and deepen his or her knowledge and vision, and is able to work in partnership with the public.
  • The basics of general and theoretical subjects in sufficient quantities to address production and research issues;
  • history and technology of clothing, household appliances, folklore, Turkmen national holidays, organization of national games, technical and technological equipment of cultural and public events, organization and management of cultural activities, folklore and ethnographic dance, folklore and ethnographic history, inheritance work, screenwriting skills, actor skill and stage action, speech culture, stage decoration, playing on folk instruments, national melodies and music lessons and more.
The bachelor must be able to:

Students who are trained in the field of preparation

  • to know folklore art, diversity and content features;
  • to perform forms of folklore;
  • to know the origins of the folklore, the history of its creation and the stages of its development;
  • to study of the theoretical foundations and features of folklore, social needs;
  • to study the pedagogical foundations of folklore;
  • to know the features of putting on folklore;
  • to stage high-level folklore performances in folklore groups;
  • to know work characteristics of folklore directors;
  • to know folklore science and features of work of Turkmen folklore scholars

“Cultural Studies”

3. Organizing and setting cultural events

Field of preparation - Socio-cultural activities (organization and organization of cultural and public events).

Given the growing demand for cultural events in the context of modern development, the need for the organizer of cultural events in our country to ensure that this direction of culture is perfected the formation of national and classical features of cultural events.
The function of the bachelor
In the field of training, he has been appointed to the posts of highly educated bachelors in the management of rural, district, city, provincial cultural institutions, higher and secondary vocational schools, cultural centers under the jurisdiction of sectoral administrations, cultural and educational institutions in the field of arts and education.
General requirements for a bachelor's degree
Students who are trained in the field of preparation should be highly qualified, cultured and healthy, who can understand the interests of the people, who are loyal to their Motherland, people, Esteemed President understand the requirements of modern Turkmen society and can implement them steadily.
They need to be able to please the public, to lead it, to educate the staff in a spirit of unity, purposefulness, patriotism, to constantly and continuously improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, to use their accumulated scientific knowledge in their work, to apply it appropriately.
Students who are trained in the field of preparation must be a person who is fundamentally scientific and practically trained, has mastered his or her profession, seeks to constantly expand and deepen his or her knowledge and vision, and is able to work in partnership with the public.

The bachelor should know the following:

  • The basics of the general theory and humanities course offered by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in the curriculum prepared in the field of preparation;
  • The basics of general and theoretical subjects in sufficient quantities to solve production and research problems;
  • Organizing national games, history and technology of clothing, household appliances, folklore, Turkmen national holidays, technical and technological support of cultural and public events, organization and management of cultural recreation, cultural and mass events, children's activities organization, music and sound decoration of cultural events, artistic decoration of cultural events, stage language, actor's skill and stage action, screenwriting classes, and so on.
The bachelor must be able to:

Students who are trained in the field of preparation

  • to know national roots, history of development and destinations of cultural recreation activities;
  • to teach and know the theoretical foundations and features of cultural recreation, public needs and the tasks facing the cultural recreation institution;
  • to know educational basics of cultural recreation and the specifics of conducting educational activities in the cultural institution;
  • to know peculiarities of the organization of cultural recreation, management, programming of cultural institutions, improvement of the material and technical base;
  • to teach the peculiarities of the methods of organizing cultural recreational activities, the decoration of cultural events, the work of providing technical means; 
  • to write a script for cultural events and know the features of directing.



Türkmenistan, Aşgabat ş., 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesi 114
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, street 10 years Abadanchilik 114
Туркменистан, Ашхабад, улица 10 лет Абаданчылык 114

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+993(12) 481130 / 481099