Faculty of Cultural Heritage

Students who have successfully graduated from the institute are allowed to work in the cultural institutions of our state, in dance groups opened by the state.
At the Faculty of Cultural Heritage, in order to further improve the Turkmen folklore, dance and music, rich in national colors, to spread them around the world, especially to educate the spiritual and spiritual development of the society under the influence of these inexhaustible talents. Young professionals are trained in the fields of «Music», «Choreography», «Leader of the National Dance and Folklore», «Organizer of Cultural Public Events».
In 1992, a small folklore group of amateur students began to operate near the Turkmen State Institute of Culture. Since 2000, the organization has earned a worthy place among the popular music groups of our country as a heritage folk group. Heritage Folklore not only celebrates creative achievements within the country, but also participates in international festivals held in different parts of the world (Russian Federation, Korea, Turkey, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Federal Republic of Germany, Federal Republic of Tajikistan, and Japan). From the group's repertoire are «Gushak chozdurme», «Laleler Çemeni», «Lale-reyhanly Nowruzym», «Wasp edeyin, yar-yar», «Gyzlar galasy», «Yshk gülzarynyn bilbili», «Soygi seyrany», as well as «Sawchylaryň toy degishmesi». Folk dances such as “Eltilerin degishmesi”, “Gelinjigim-hanjagazym” are successful performances that have brought popularity to this group. The Miras folklore group has won the competition Turkmen's Golden Age of the President Turkmenistan contest 3 times in its history. 
Miras Folklore and Dance Troupe of the Institute participated in the Festival of the Cultural Organization of the Turkic States in the Republic of Turkey in 2011, 2012, and 2013, and the Culture Days of Magtymguly Pyragy in Germany in 2014. Troupe attended the Days of Culture in Dushanbe, Tajikistan in 2015, Japan in 2017, and Moscow in 2018 in the Russian Federation.  Miras Folklore and Dance Troupe has been the winner of the competition “Turkmen's Golden Age” of the President Turkmenistan in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018.


1. Organizing and setting up cultural events
2. The art of choreography (Organization and management of folklore groups)
3. Cultural Studies

1. Socio-cultural activities (Organization and management of amateur music groups)
2. The art of choreography (organization and management of the national dance troupe)



Türkmenistan, Aşgabat ş., 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesi 114
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, street 10 years Abadanchilik 114
Туркменистан, Ашхабад, улица 10 лет Абаданчылык 114

Telefon belgiler:
+993(12) 481130 / 481099