

Science brings us closer

The concerns of our esteemed President to develop the love of the youth of our country for science and education, to help them to work effectively in important fields of science have created great opportunities for the wide dissemination of research in higher education institutions of the country. A clear example of this is the results of several years of participation in the state competition of young scientists in our country.
Our institute expands the scope of scientific and practical work related to our national-cultural heritage, cultural studies, various fields of art. In the state youth science competition in 2020, 2 scientific works were won. The Center for Young Scientists at our institute was established in 2017 to facilitate scientific research on the basis of teacher-student engagement. Young scientists are meeting with mentor scientists and professors. They discuss projects of scientific and creative work. Its members regularly participate in scientific and creative competitions among young people. Under the auspices of the “Turkmen Culture” Research Center, the student youth carried out more than 25 scientific works



Türkmenistan, Aşgabat ş., 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesi 114
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, street 10 years Abadanchilik 114
Туркменистан, Ашхабад, улица 10 лет Абаданчылык 114

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