Department of Library Science and Archival Science


The Department of Library Science and Bibliography of the Turkmen State Institute of Culture was founded in 1992. On September 1, 2019, the name of the department was renamed to "Library Science and Archival Science". prepares specialists in the direction of "Organization of librarianship" and "Office work and archiving". Since the 2020 academic year, bachelor's specialists have been trained in the specialty "Library Science" and "Documentation and Archival Science". The department conducts training in two areas of the bachelor's degree.

At the department "Library Science and Archival Science"
1. "Librarianship" direction bachelor
2. "Documentation and archival science" direction bachelor

Currently, librarianship includes the collection and distribution of the main sources for the study of the book system (including the children's and school libraries), the rich history and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people. It is very important to train competent specialists in this area who are able to teach readers of different age categories to independently work with sources, educate them using pedagogical and psychological methods, and promote government policy.
Students enrolled in a bachelor's degree in Librarianship study the basics of general theoretical and humanitarian subjects, for solving production and research problems (in the required volume), the basics of lectures and practical lessons of the curriculum prepared in the specialty proposed by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.
Here, students are given the necessary knowledge in the courses of librarianship, library stock, information retrieval system, library management, book history, reading culture, organization and methodology of bibliographic work, bibliography of Turkmenistan, bibliography of children's literature, processing of literature on a scientific basis, history of science and technology, bibliology and history of written culture, history of Turkmen literature, marketing and management, modern computer technology, acquisition and work on information, basics of information support, computer graphics, etc.
Students enrolled in a bachelor's degree in the direction of Documentation and Archival Studies master courses: cultural studies and cultural history of the Turkmen, world and Turkmen literature, language specialist training, theory of ethics and aesthetics, pedagogy, psychology, the basics of library and bibliographic knowledge, history of world art, history of the Turkmen book , marketing and management, the basics of archiving, the basics of information support ,.
office work, history of archival affairs, history and theory of state structure, basis and content of organization management, organization of work of state archives, legal foundations of state law and management, management economics, cinema and technical archives, storage and methods of restoration of documents, study of business paper and their organization turnover, organization of office work, methodology for the formation of film documents, a single sample of documents, documentary linguistics, organizational technology, acquisition and processing of information.
Here are the courses a future archivist and clerk should take.

 “Library Science and Archival Science"

1. "Librarianship" direction of bachelor's degree preparation
"Librarianship" direction of preparation bachelor's degree
The bachelor is prepared to work in the designated position of a qualified bachelor in rural, district, city, regional cultural institutions, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, to manage the work of cultural recreation institutions in the system of culture, art and education.
The purpose of the direction is to train librarians - bachelors who are able to complete and distribute the main sources for studying the library system (including children's and school libraries), the rich history and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, to teach readers of different age groups to independently work with sources, educate their methods of pedagogy and psychology.
General requirements for a bachelor's degree:
A bachelor must be a cultured person, highly qualified, caring in the interests of the people, devoted to the Motherland, people, their President, correctly understanding the requirements of the modern Turkmen society and strictly implementing them.
The bachelor must work with the public, lead it, educate the team in the spirit of unity, purposefulness, patriotism, constantly and continuously improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, competently apply the accumulated scientific information in their work, organize work on a scientific basis.
Bachelor must be scientifically and practically trained, a person who owns his profession, always striving to expand and deepen knowledge, horizons, able to work in harmony with society.

The bachelor should know the following:
  • the basics of general theoretical and humanitarian courses offered by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan under the bachelor's program;
  • fundamentals of general theoretical, theoretical courses for solving production and research problems
  • librarianship, library fund, information retrieval system, organization and management of librarianship, history of book science, culture of reading, organization and methodology of bibliographic work, branch library, bibliography of Turkmenistan, bibliography of children's and youth literature, processing documents on a scientific basis, science of science ( study of science), bibliology and history of writing, history of the Turkmen book, marketing and management, modern computer technology, acquisition and processing of information, basics of information support, WEB technology, electronic libraries, etc.
The bachelor must be able to:
  • Guided by the national program of political, economic and cultural transformations of independent permanently neutral Turkmenistan, the bachelor must introduce science, education, scientific technologies, achievements of world experience into the national culture of the country, preserve the values of our heritage, contribute to the development of science and economy of the country:
  • To attract readers of different age groups to reading, to establish independent work of the reader with books and other sources of information, to establish information retrieval work among readers of younger and older age, to organize librarianship on a scientific basis, to create an explanatory-bibliographic and scientific-information fund, scientific and to technically process the collection and to update and replenish them in a timely manner, to provide information bibliographic, explanatory bibliographic and recommendation services;
  • Study the reading requirements for literature, draw up a work plan based on them, disseminate and expand your own work experience;
  • Use technical means, special equipment, computer technology of library work, be able to use scientific and educational-methodical literature in the specialty, prepare a manuscript for publication and exercise author's supervision over printing, be able to edit and review abstracts;
  • Use your knowledge and regularly replenish it;
  • Conduct educational work to disseminate the policy of the President of Turkmenistan in society.
"Library Science and Archival Science"

1. Direction of preparation: Document and study of the archive (archival science)
"Document and Archive Study" - the direction of preparation of a bachelor's degree
Bachelor's requirements include the following:
  • the need for bachelors, an assessment of their number and the development of a bachelor's program;
  • according to the direction, determine the purpose, content and quality of teaching and educational work in a higher educational institution, including developing appropriate curricula and programs;
  • define the task of employment of graduates and provide a job in accordance with the level of training of the graduate.
The direction aims to provide the Main Archive Department under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, the Central State Archives of Turkmenistan, state administration institutions, archives of organizations and other industries with highly qualified archivists and clerks capable of storing, keeping records, completing and using documentary information that is rich in historical and cultural heritage of writing.
Guided by the national program of political, economic and cultural transformations of independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan, the bachelor should be able to introduce science, education, scientific technologies, achievements of world experience into the national culture of the country, preserve the values of our heritage, and contribute to the development of science and economy of the country:
  • to study on a scientific basis the values that are considered the treasure of our national heritage in museums and historical and cultural reserves;
  • to preserve historical monuments of national importance, which are an important task;
  • studying values based on historical and cultural works collected in museums, organize a museum on a methodological basis;
  • achieve the highest level of your work by participating in international exhibitions:
  • show the need for restoration of historical and museum values;
  • the ability to show the world restored and preserved historical and cultural monuments.



Türkmenistan, Aşgabat ş., 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesi 114
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, street 10 years Abadanchilik 114
Туркменистан, Ашхабад, улица 10 лет Абаданчылык 114

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+993(12) 481130 / 481099