Department of The Art of Cinema and Teleradio

By teaching national and spiritual education to undergraduates preparing to work in film and television, achievements of world cinema and television are taught by introducing them into curriculum, combining theoretical learning with production experience.

“Cinema and TV and Radio Arts”
1. Bachelor's Degree: Library Work
Bachelor's degree in Television (Operations and Installation Direction)

Under auspices of our esteemed President, level of development in modern conditions of national cinema and television has been determined, and there have major reforms on demand for film and television modernization of this field of art, national and classical features of cinema and television. 
By teaching national and spiritual education to undergraduates preparing to work in film and television, achievements of world cinema and television are taught by introducing them into curriculum. Development of television undergraduate students is based on approved curricula of institute and theory is combined with production experience.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree may hold positions in higher education institutions for bachelors in theaters and TV channels, film and video associations, cultural palaces, and schools of culture and art.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree should be well-educated, cultural, well-mannered, well-versed in interests of the people, loyal to Motherland, nation, President and which truly and fully understands and requirements of modern Turkmen society, policy of our esteemed President and can implement it without deviation.
Firstly, these requirements for telecom operators, montage directors foresees to analyze history of film art and television, to study it thoroughly, to apply theory of film art and television, and to analyze its current problems, and helps to decide whether to solve them in scientific order.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree must be a person who is fundamentally scientific and practically trained, who has mastered their profession, who is constantly trying to expand and deepen their knowledge and vision, and who are able to work in partnership with the public.

Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree

  • Basics of general theory and humanities courses offered by Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan;
  • basics of general and theoretical subjects sufficiently to address production and research issues;
  • basics of general and theoretical subjects sufficiently to study art of cinema;
  • History of Turkmen cinema, history of foreign cinema, history of cinema and television, history of world art, creative psychology, speech and language culture, methods of extending of Turkmen national culture to world, knowledge of foreign languages (Russian, English) thoughtful use of work experience and thoughtful work in spreading achievements of theatrical art to world.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree by fully mastering curriculum envisaged by institute and being highly educated telecom operator, installation director must be well-mannered and exemplary person who knows own profession, constantly improves own profession, makes a great contribution to development and perfection of modern film art with own scientific and creative research. He/she should be aware of art of world cinema and actively promote Turkmen cinema.

  • organizing features of film and television;
  • work creatively with directors and, as a result, create high-quality feature films;
  • finding a solution to a newly released film with director;
  • preaching through images on television and radio broadcasts, in public, on the creativity of film and television
“Cinema and TV and Radio Arts”
2. Television (Organization and conduct of TV and radio broadcasts)
Television (Organization and conduct of TV and radio broadcasts) – Bachelor’s degree. 

In order to develop TV and radion broadcasters, Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree are trained in national and spiritual education, by introducing achievements of world television and radio, combining theoretical training with production experience.
They can hold positions in theaters, radio and television channels, film and video associations, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, culture palaces, schools of culture and art, and relevant news agencies of Turkmenistan's law enforcement agencies for highly educated bachelors.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree should be person with highly professional, cultural and healthy, who can find benefit of people  loyal to Motherland, nation, esteemed President, who truly understands requirements of modern Turkmen society, policy of our esteemed President and can implement it without deviation.
Since these requirements are primarily intended for presenters, it is intended to analyze history of television, to study it thoroughly, to apply theory of television and its analysis of today's problems, to help them to solve them, to help them to make scientific proposals.
Our country's television and radio have come a long and complicated way. bachelor must be a person who is thoroughly scientific and practically trained, who has mastered own profession, who is always striving to expand and deepen his knowledge and vision, who is able to work in harmony with society

Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree

  • Basics of general theory and humanities courses offered by Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan;
  • basics of general and theoretical subjects sufficiently to address production and research issues;
  • basics of general and theoretical subjects sufficiently to study tv and radio;
History of Turkmen tv and radio, history of foreign tv and radio,  basics of journalism, world class presenters, history of film and television, history of world art, history of music, history of decoration, creative psychology, speech and language culture, ways to spread Turkmen national culture to world, foreign languages (Russian, English) to make wise use of knowledge gained in the course in practice and to spread achievements of television and radio to the world.

Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree by fully mastering curriculum envisaged by institute and being highly educated, skilled presenter must be well-mannered and exemplary person who knows own profession, constantly improves own profession, makes a great contribution to development and perfection of tv and radio with own scientific and creative research. He she should be aware of world tv and radio and actively promote Turkmen tv and radio.
  • Bachelors, learning tv and radio should be able to write screen in television and radio script;
  • must be able to organize features of TV and radio;
  • be able to work creatively with authors and writers and, as a result, create highly artistic TV and radio broadcasts;
  • must be able to find a solution to newly written script with director;
  • should be able to provide author, leading actors with professional qualifications needed in creative research;
  • must be able to promote events of public life in negotiations underway;
“Cinema and TV and Radio Arts”
3. Television (Television Direction)
Television (Television Direction)– Bachelor’s degree

By increase in demand for Turkmen television in context of modern development, it aims to development of this field of art to perfection, formation of national and classical features of television, to provide highly educated bachelors in view of need for a television director in institutions under jurisdiction of State Committee for Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree must be person who highly qualified, cultured and healthy, able to protect interests of nationa, loyal to their Motherland, nationa, esteemed President, who truly understands requirements of modern Turkmen society, policy of our esteemed President and can implement it without deviation.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree must be able to work with public, to lead it, to educate employees in the spirit of unity, purposefulness, patriotism, to continuously and orderly improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, to make proper use of accumulated scientific information in their field, to apply it properly in their work.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree are required to work in public, to lead it, to educate staff in a spirit of unity, purposefulness, patriotism, to continuously and continuously improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, to continuously improve their knowledge, to develop their knowledge.
They must be persons who are thoroughly scientific and practically trained, who have mastered their profession, who are constantly striving to expand and deepen their knowledge and vision, who are able to work in harmony with society.

Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree: 

  • basics of general and theoretical subjects sufficiently to address production and research issues;
  • basics of general and theoretical courses bachelor's degree in TV directing, in TV organization and conduct of TV radio broadcasts, television screenwriting, editing, acting, directing in sufficient order;
  • history of national and foreign television, cinema;
  • national and foreign television directors, theory of directorship, basics of dramaturgy, journalism;
  • ways to spread Turkmen national culture to world, foreign languages (Russian, English) and others.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field of bachelor degree: 

Television director must work tirelessly to become a highly humanitarian, demanding, skilled professional who can be talented in undergraduate field of training, able to run his or her ideas through art, and convey them to audience on the basis of correct logical thought;
  • Acting together with policies of our esteemed President in our country;
  • Creative work based on orders of our esteemed President workers of culture and art, television, 
  • Developing teaching methods to train well-educated professionals who are qualified to work on national television and radio broadcasts;
  • Directing work of creative and technical staff in the preparation of broadcasting on television and radio;
  • Acting together with achievements of science and education on the basis of modern ideas;
  • Adjusting theme, idea, dramaturgy, composition structure of scenery, where necessary;
  • Record scenes, along with all organizational work during recording period, on basis of directorial version of scenary;
  • Knowing how to place images locally during finishing (montage), the importance of subsequent sound and music season, use them properly 
  • Regularly study basics of modern directing methods and apply them in practice; 



Türkmenistan, Aşgabat ş., 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesi 114
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, street 10 years Abadanchilik 114
Туркменистан, Ашхабад, улица 10 лет Абаданчылык 114

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+993(12) 481130 / 481099