Department of Hotel Business
1017Department of Hotel Business of Turkmen State Institute of Culture was established on September 2, 2019.
Hotel business preparatory field
Students who are educated in the preparatory field are prepared to carry out activities in the hotel and tourism complexes of country, to carry out organizational, management and research activities according to preparatory course taken in institute.
They can hold positions for highly educated bachelors in hotels and tourism complexes, tourism enterprises, hotels and all kinds of accommodation facilities, health and recreation centers, research institutions, public organizations.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field must be highly educated, cultured and healthy, able to protect interests of the people, loyal to their Motherland, people, esteemed President, who truly understands requirements of prosperous period of our Establishment State, policy of our esteemed President and can implement it without deviation.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field must be able to please the public, to lead it, to train its staff in the spirit of unity, purposefulness, patriotism, to continuously and orderly improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, to constantly improve their knowledge, to make appropriate use of scientific data collected in own field and to organize own work on a scientific basis.
They must be individuals who are scientifically and practically trained, who have mastered their profession, who are constantly striving to expand and deepen their knowledge and vision, and who are able to work in harmony with society.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field should able to:
- basics of general and theoretical subjects in sufficient quantities to solve production and research problems;
- fundamentals of a market economy, geography of Turkmenistan, economy of Turkmenistan, international organizations, economic theory, world economy, macro and micro economics, finance, credit and banking, accounting and auditing, international and economic law, development of national parks and reserve areas for tourism, management of tourism enterprise economy, hotel industry statistics, hotel cleanliness, tourism infrastructure and local planning, hotel insurance and security, public catering and restaurant business, analysis of financial management in hotels, analysis of financial management in tourism, restaurant business management, management of public events, insurance and security in tourism, international monetary and financial relations, international economic relations, development of routes, rules and regulations of tourism ways, hotel business economy, hotel material equipment base, tourism economy and tourism industry statistics and others;
- legal framework of Constitution of Turkmenistan, Law of Turkmenistan “about Tourism”, rights of citizens, freedom of citizens, ways to implement them;
- ethics of business negotiations and management psychology, rules of Turkmen literary language, features of spoken and written conversations, professional vocabulary;
- basic concepts and definitions of standardization and certification;
- levels and types of hotel enterprises, their division into groups, main indicators of effective services provided by hotel and tourism complexes;
- basics of information technologies and their use in their professional work, labor safety, machinery safety, industrial sanitation, regulations and rules of hotel food service enterprise and fire safety regulations and rules.
Students who are educated in the preparatory field should be able:
- to determine of levels and types of hotels and tourism enterprises;
- to provide of list of services provided by hotels and tourist complexes, organization of high-quality services to applicants;
- to create good conditions for staying in hotels and tourist complexes;
- to coordinate with those interested in issues of provided services, to organize the provision of hotel services and to monitor quality of provided services;
- to use of modern means of communication and organizational equipment;
- to use of information technologies, appropriate use of mandatory regulatory legal documents;
- to analyze of speech in terms of his eloquence, appropriateness, and expediency; to work on and correct mistakes in the words they memorize and offer in writing, and to use dictionaries in foreign languages (English, Russian);
- adherence to a healthy lifestyle, to use physical and sport activities to achieve life and professional goals, to use normative documentary requirements of main types of hotel services, formalization of compulsory service documents, to conduct foreign language interview and questionnaire in field of profession; (English, Russian) to find most appropriate forms of management;
- to make effective decisions, to organize marketing research, to conduct statistics in the field of hotel business, to create a favorable psychological conditions in public domain, to use accounting and reporting data in their practical work;
- to manage disputed and anxious situations during professional work hours;
- to use modern methods and ways in the organization of educational opportunities;
- to use computer equipment to solve tasks related to profession;
- to make changes to their personal professional work, critically evaluating their professional work.