Faculty of Library Science


In 1992, the Faculty of Library and Bibliography was opened at the Turkmen State Institute of Culture. The faculty specialized in such directions  as "Library and Bibliography", "Public and Scientific Library Organization", "Organization of Children and School Libraries", "Library Science and Book Trade", "Archival and Document Study".
In 2006, the Faculty of Library and Bibliography has been renamed to the Faculty of Library and Museum Affairs.
The departments of “Library and Bibliography”, “Informatics and Book Studies”, “Museum Studies and Archival Studies”, and “Study of World Experience” were functioning in the field of “Library and Museum Studies”.
Beginning from 2019, the Faculty of Library and Museum Affairs was renamed to the Faculty of Library Science. Currently, the faculty has departments such as the Department of Library and Archival Works, the Department of Information Systems, the Department of Cultural Values Restoration and Museum Works, the Study of World Experience, and the Social Studies.
The Department of Library and Archival Works trains specialists in “Organization of Library Work” and “Office Managing and Archival Work”, and beginning  from the 2020 academic year in the field of “Library Work” and “Documentation and Archival Studies” the department trains bachelors.
The Department of Information Systems trains specialists in "Information Science and Technology", "Economics and Management (in the field of culture)" from 2018 academic year, “Library Information Works”, “Art Management” (Bachelor) from  2020 academic year. 
In the Department of Cultural Heritage Restoration and Museum Work, the course "Organization of Museum Work" has been taught since 2018 academic year under the name "Museology, Protection of  Cultural and Natural Heritage Monuments" and in the same year the direction of Archeology was also introduced. From the 2020 academic year onwards, specialists in the field of preparation of "Museology, Protection of Cultural and Natural  Heritage Monuments", "Archeology", "Restoration Work" are being trained (bachelor). 
Young people who have completed these specialties are given the opportunity to work in a field that is a source of knowledge, in the field of creation, dissemination and practical use of various means of carrying information, in institutions engaged in the protection of museums and historical monuments.

Bachelor's Degree: Library Work
Bachelor's  Degree: Documentation and Archival Studies

Bachelor's Degree : Library InformationWorks
Bachelor’s Degree : Art Management
Bachelor’s Degree : Economics and Management (in the field of culture)

Bachelor’s Degree : Restoration Work
Bachelor’s Degree : Archeology
Bachelor’s Degree: Museology, Protection of Cultural and Natural  Heritage Monuments





Türkmenistan, Aşgabat ş., 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesi 114
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, street 10 years Abadanchilik 114
Туркменистан, Ашхабад, улица 10 лет Абаданчылык 114

Telefon belgiler:
+993(12) 481130 / 481099